Rhinoplasty surgery in India

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Rhinoplasty in India

Rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure used to alter the shape of the nose. This surgery can be performed for cosmetic purposes, to enhance the appearance of the nose, or for medical reasons, such as improving breathing.

The nose structure is divided into two parts, with the upper part being composed of bone and the lower part being made up of cartilage. Rhinoplasty has the ability to modify any combination of bone, cartilage, and skin. It is important to consult with your surgeon to determine if rhinoplasty is the right choice for you and to discuss the potential results that can be achieved.

The Reason for Doing It

The procedure known as rhinoplasty is able to alter the dimensions, form, and ratio of the nose. Its purpose is to address any problems resulting from an injury, correct a congenital abnormality, or enhance breathing difficulties.

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Associated Risks

Similar to all significant surgeries, rhinoplasty poses potential risks such as:

  • Blood loss.
  • Contamination.
  • Negative response to the anesthesia.

There are other potential risks associated with rhinoplasty that may include, but are not limited to:

  • Difficulty with nasal breathing.
  • Constant loss of sensation in and around the nasal area.
  • Potential for a nose that appears asymmetrical.
  • Prolonged pain, discoloration or inflammation.
  • Formation of scars.
  • A perforation in the septum, which is the wall separating the two nostrils.
  • Requirement for further surgical procedures.
  • Alteration in the sense of smell.

Speak with your healthcare provider regarding how these risks pertain to your individual situation.

Preparation Process

Prior to booking a rhinoplasty procedure, you will have a consultation with a surgeon. During this meeting, you will discuss various factors that will impact the success of the surgery for you. This consultation typically covers the following:

Your past medical records. The primary inquiry is regarding your motivation for undergoing the surgery and your desired outcome. You will also be asked about your previous medical conditions, such as any previous surgeries, nasal obstructions, and current medications. If you have a bleeding disorder, such as hemophilia, you may not be eligible for a rhinoplasty procedure.

A physical assessment. Your healthcare provider will conduct a thorough physical examination, focusing on your facial features and assessing the internal and external structures of your nose.

Conducting a physical examination is crucial in identifying necessary modifications and evaluating the impact of one’s physical characteristics, such as skin thickness and cartilage strength, on the outcome of the procedure. Additionally, the physical exam plays a vital role in assessing the potential impact of rhinoplasty on one’s breathing.

Nose Images. Images of your nose are captured from various angles for examination. The doctor may use digital technology to modify the pictures and demonstrate potential outcomes. These images serve as a comparison tool and point of reference during the procedure. Most significantly, they allow for a detailed discussion about the objectives of the surgery.

Expectations Discussion. Discuss your motivations for undergoing surgery and your anticipated results. The surgeon can clarify what rhinoplasty can and cannot achieve for you, as well as what your potential outcomes may be. It is natural to feel self-conscious when discussing your appearance, but it is crucial to be transparent with the surgeon about your wishes and goals for the surgery.

Prior to undergoing rhinoplasty, it is crucial to assess the facial and profile proportions. In case of a small chin, the surgeon may discuss the option of chin augmentation surgery with you. This is due to the fact that a small chin can give the appearance of a larger nose. Although not mandatory, chin surgery can improve the overall balance of your facial profile.

After you have scheduled your surgery, make arrangements for someone to drive you home following the procedure in case you are undergoing an outpatient surgery.

During the initial days following anesthesia, individuals may experience memory lapses, delayed reaction time, and compromised decision-making. It is recommended to have a family member or friend stay with you for a night or two to assist with personal care during your post-surgery recovery.

Nutrition and Medicine

Prior to and following surgery, refrain from consuming medications containing aspirin or ibuprofen (such as Advil, Motrin IB, and others) for a period of two weeks. These drugs have the potential to increase bleeding. Only take medication that has been authorized or prescribed by your surgeon and avoid using herbal remedies or over-the-counter supplements.

If you engage in smoking or vaping, it is important to stop these habits. These activities can impact the healing process after surgery and may lead to tissue necrosis. Additionally, there is a risk of developing an infection.

Anticipated Outcomes

Every rhinoplasty procedure is tailored to fit the individual’s unique anatomy and desired results.

While the process is ongoing

You will be provided with medication to induce a state similar to sleep during the surgical procedure. This is known as anesthesia. The specific type of anesthesia administered will vary based on the complexity of your surgery and the preference of the surgeon. It is advisable to inquire with your surgeon about the most suitable medication for your individual case.

  • Sedation with local anesthesia. This form of anesthesia is commonly utilized in a non-hospital setting and targets a specific region of the body. A medication that numbs pain is injected into the nasal tissues, followed by the administration of medicine through an intravenous (IV) line, which is a small tube inserted in a vein in the hand, neck, or chest. This medication induces drowsiness but not complete unconsciousness.
  • General anesthesia. The administration of medication, known as anesthetic, can be done through inhalation or an IV line. General anesthesia affects the entire body and results in unconsciousness during the surgery. The use of a breathing tube is necessary for general anesthesia.

Many individuals struggle with finding a balance between their personal and professional lives. It can be challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance, especially in today’s fast-paced society. However, it is essential to prioritize self-care and make time for activities outside of work to prevent burnout and maintain overall well-being.

The surgical procedure called rhinoplasty can be performed internally within the nose or through a minor external incision located at the bottom of the nose, situated between the nostrils. In this process, the surgeon will typically modify the bone and cartilage beneath the skin.

The structure of the nose’s bones or cartilage can be altered through various methods, depending on the extent of the changes needed, the nose’s composition, and the materials that are accessible. In cases of minor modifications, the cartilage can be sourced from within the nose or from the ear.

In order to make significant alterations, one can utilize cartilage from a rib, implants, or bone sourced from other areas of the body. Once these modifications have been completed, the nose’s skin and tissue are returned to their original position and the incisions are sutured.

At times, the nasal septum, which is the wall dividing the two sides of the nose, may be twisted or misaligned, known as a deviated septum. This condition can be corrected through surgical procedures in order to improve breathing.

Following the operation, you will be placed in a recovery room where you will be monitored during the waking process. Depending on your health condition, you may be discharged on the same day or you may be required to stay overnight.

After the procedure

Following the surgical procedure, it is necessary for you to rest in bed with your head elevated above your chest to minimize bleeding and swelling. You may experience congestion in your nose due to the swelling, or it could be a result of the insertion of splints during the operation.

Typically, the internal bandages are left in place for a period of 1 to 7 days post-surgery. A splint may also be applied and secured to the nose for protective and supportive purposes, usually remaining in place for approximately one week.

After the surgery or removing the dressing, you may experience minor bleeding and discharge of mucus and old blood for a few days. To absorb the drainage, a drip pad, which is a small piece of gauze held in place with tape, may be placed under your nose. It is important to change the gauze as instructed by your healthcare provider and avoid placing the drip pad too tightly against your nose.

Additional instructions may be provided to reduce the risk of bleeding and swelling. It is important to adhere to these instructions for several weeks following the surgical procedure:

  • Refrain from engaging in strenuous physical activities, including aerobics and jogging.
  • Opt for taking baths instead of showers while your nose is bandaged.
  • Avoid blowing your nose.
  • When sneezing or coughing, keep your mouth open.
  • Be mindful of certain facial expressions, like smiling or laughing.
  • Incorporate high-fiber foods, such as fruits and vegetables, into your diet to prevent constipation, which can lead to exerting excessive pressure on the surgical site.
  • Brush your teeth gently to minimize movement of your upper lip.
  • Choose clothing with front fasteners and avoid pulling clothing over your head, such as shirts or sweaters.

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Furthermore, it is important to avoid placing eyeglasses or sunglasses on your nose for a minimum of four weeks following the surgery as this can cause pressure on your nose. It is recommended to utilize cheek rests or secure the glasses to your forehead with tape until your nose has fully recovered.

Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 while being outdoors, especially on your nose, as excessive exposure to sunlight can result in permanent skin discoloration on the nose.

After undergoing surgery, you may experience temporary puffiness or bruising on your eyelids for a period of 2 to 3 weeks. The swelling in your nose, however, may persist for a longer duration, possibly up to a year. Consuming a reduced amount of sodium can aid in reducing the swelling at a faster rate. It is advised not to apply ice or cold compresses on your nose following the surgery.

The shape of your nose may undergo changes even if you undergo surgery or not. As a result, it is difficult to determine when the final outcome of the surgery has been achieved. Nonetheless, a significant reduction in swelling can typically be observed within a year.


Minor alterations to the structure of your nose, even if they are just a few millimeters, can significantly impact its appearance. Typically, a skilled surgeon can achieve satisfactory results for both you and them. However, there are instances where the subtle changes may not suffice. In such situations, you and your surgeon may opt for a secondary procedure to further modify your nose. If this is the case, it is recommended to wait at least a year before undergoing the follow-up surgery, as your nose may undergo changes during this period.

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