Breast lift surgery in India

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Breast lift surgery

A breast lift surgery also known as mastopexy is a surgical procedure performed by cosmetic surgeon to lift and reshape the breast to give them a firmer, more youthful appearance. During a breast lift procedure, excess skin is removed, and the tissue is tightened to raise and reshape the breasts.  This can help to correct sagging or drooping breasts, which can occur due to factors such as aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, or genetics. A breast life surgery won’t affect the size of breasts. However it can be done breast augmentation or breast reduction.

Purpose of the Surgey

As a person ages, their breasts undergo transformations. One common change is a decrease in firmness, as well as a decrease in elasticity. This refers to the skin’s inability to regain its original position after being stretched. There can be various factors that contribute to these shifts in the breasts, such as:

Post-pregnancy changes: During the period of pregnancy, the ligaments that provide support to the breasts may stretch due to the increase in size and weight. As a result, the breasts may become droopy after pregnancy, regardless of whether or not the mother breastfeeds her baby.

Weight Changes: Weight fluctuations can also lead to stretching and reduced elasticity of the breast skin. Additionally, the natural force of gravity can cause the ligaments in the breasts to gradually stretch and cause sagging over time.

Sagging breasts: The natural force of gravity can cause the ligaments in the breasts to gradually stretch and cause sagging over time.

Breast lift surgery has the ability to decrease drooping and elevate the placement of the nipples. Additionally, this operation can also elevate the darker regions encircling the nipples, known as areolae. To maintain symmetry with the newly contoured breasts, the size of the areolae may be reduced.

A breast lift could be an option if:

  • The appearance of your breasts may have changed, showing a loss of shape and fullness or appearing flatter and elongated.
  • When not supported, your nipples may droop below the crease of your breasts.
  • Your nipples and areolae may point downwards.
  • Your areolae may have stretched disproportionately to the size of your breasts.
  • One of your breasts may hang lower than the other.

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for a breast lift. If you have plans to get pregnant in the future, it may be wise to postpone getting a breast lift. Pregnancy can cause your breasts to stretch, which could potentially affect the outcome of the breast lift.

Delaying a breast lift may be necessary for those who are breastfeeding. While it is still possible to breastfeed after the procedure, it may become more challenging to produce an adequate supply of milk.

Although a breast lift is suitable for all breast sizes, individuals with smaller breasts may experience longer-lasting outcomes. This is because larger breasts are heavier, increasing the chances of them sagging again.

To schedule an appointment, please click on the following link: Request an appointment

Potential Risks

There are several potential risks associated with a breast lift, which may include:

Scar Formation. Although scarring is a permanent result of a breast lift procedure, it will gradually soften and fade away within a period of 1 to 2 years. Typically, the scars can be concealed under bras and swimsuits, but in rare cases, inadequate healing may result in thick and wide scars.

Changes in Nipple and Breast Sensation. It is common for the sensation in the nipples and breasts to return within a few weeks after a breast lift, but in some cases, there may be permanent loss of feeling. However, it is unlikely to affect erotic sensation.

Uneven Shape and Size of Breasts. The breasts may appear uneven in shape and size due to changes that occur during the healing process. It should be noted that a breast lift surgery does not usually alter the size discrepancy of breasts that existed before the procedure.

Loss of Nipples or Areolae. There is a rare possibility that the blood supply to the nipple or areola may be temporarily cut off during a breast lift, resulting in damage to the breast tissue and potential loss of the nipple or areola.

Difficulty with Breastfeeding. While most women can still breastfeed after a breast lift, some may experience challenges with producing enough milk.

As with any significant surgical procedure, a breast lift carries the potential for complications such as bleeding, infection, and negative response to anesthesia. In addition, there is a chance of experiencing an allergic reaction to the surgical tape or other substances utilized during or following the operation.

Preparation methods

Initially, you will have a consultation with a plastic surgeon regarding a breast lift. In your initial appointment, the plastic surgeon will probably:

Examine your medical background. Be ready to respond to inquiries about present and previous health issues. This includes disclosing if you have any familial history of breast cancer.
Please make sure to discuss any mammogram or breast biopsy findings with your doctor. It is also important to mention any current or recent medications you are taking, as well as any past surgeries you have undergone.

Conduct a physical examination. The surgeon will assess your breasts, including the placement of your nipples and areolae, in order to determine the best course of treatment.

The condition of your skin tone will also be taken into account by the surgeon. If your breast skin has high quality tone, it will result in a more favorable positioning of the breasts after the breast lift procedure. The surgeon may also capture images of your breasts to be included in your medical chart.

Share your anticipated results. Clarify your reasoning for wanting a breast lift. Clearly state your desired appearance for your breasts post-procedure. Ensure that you are aware of the potential risks and advantages, such as scarring and potential changes in nipple or breast sensitivity.

Prior to getting a breast lift, there may be additional requirements that you will need to fulfill:

Schedule a mammogram: Prior to the procedure, your surgeon may suggest a baseline mammogram. It is also possible that you will require another mammogram a few months after the procedure. This is necessary for your medical team to monitor any changes in your breast tissue and accurately interpret future mammograms.

Quit smoking: It is important to stop smoking before undergoing surgery as it can slow down the healing process by decreasing blood flow in the skin.

Preparation methods

Initially, you will have a consultation with a plastic surgeon regarding a breast lift. In your initial appointment, the plastic surgeon will probably:

Examine your medical background. Be ready to respond to inquiries about present and previous health issues. This includes disclosing if you have any familial history of breast cancer.
Please make sure to discuss any mammogram or breast biopsy findings with your doctor. It is also important to mention any current or recent medications you are taking, as well as any past surgeries you have undergone.

Conduct a physical examination. The surgeon will assess your breasts, including the placement of your nipples and areolae, in order to determine the best course of treatment.

The condition of your skin tone will also be taken into account by the surgeon. If your breast skin has high quality tone, it will result in a more favorable positioning of the breasts after the breast lift procedure. The surgeon may also capture images of your breasts to be included in your medical chart.

Share your anticipated results. Clarify your reasoning for wanting a breast lift. Clearly state your desired appearance for your breasts post-procedure. Ensure that you are aware of the potential risks and advantages, such as scarring and potential changes in nipple or breast sensitivity.

Prior to getting a breast lift, there may be additional requirements that you will need to fulfill:

Schedule a mammogram: Prior to the procedure, your surgeon may suggest a baseline mammogram. It is also possible that you will require another mammogram a few months after the procedure. This is necessary for your medical team to monitor any changes in your breast tissue and accurately interpret future mammograms.

Quit smoking: It is important to stop smoking before undergoing surgery as it can slow down the healing process by decreasing blood flow in the skin.

Avoid certain medications: Your doctor will likely advise you to avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.

Arrange for assistance during recovery: It is essential to have someone drive you home after surgery and stay with you during the initial recovery period. You may need assistance with daily activities such as washing your hair.

Maintain a healthy weight: If you have gained weight in the past year, you may want to consider making dietary changes or starting an exercise program to help with weight loss. This will be beneficial for your surgery and overall health.

What to anticipate

A hospital or outpatient surgical facility can perform a breast lift. Sedation and local anesthesia may be used during the procedure to numb a specific area of the body. In some instances, general anesthesia is advised. If given general anesthesia, you will not be conscious during the procedure.

While the process is being carried out

Different methods are employed to eliminate breast skin and alter the shape of breast tissue. The particular method selected by your plastic surgeon will dictate the placement of incisions and the resultant scarring.

Incisions may be created by your surgeon.

  • The part surrounding the nipples, called the areolae,
  • Goes down from the areolae to the creases of the breast
  • Runs horizontally across the breast creases

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During breast reshaping surgery, the surgeon may insert stitches deep into the breast tissue and also use them to decrease the size of the areolae. Excess skin is removed and the nipples are repositioned higher. The breast skin is then brought together and the incisions are closed using stitches, surgical tape, or skin adhesives.

On the same day, you can return home as the usual duration of the procedure is around 2-3 hours.

Following the process

Following a breast lift procedure, it is common for your breasts to be wrapped in gauze and supported by a surgical bra. In some cases, thin tubes may also be inserted at the incision areas to remove any excess blood or fluid.

During the first two weeks, your breasts may experience swelling and bruising. It is common to feel pain and soreness near the incisions, which may appear red or pink for several months. The nipples, areolae, and breast skin might also feel numb for approximately six weeks.

During the initial days following a breast lift, it is important to follow the pain relief medication prescribed by your healthcare professional. Refrain from exerting yourself, bending over, or lifting heavy objects. It is recommended to sleep on your back or side to avoid putting pressure on your breasts.

It is recommended to refrain from sexual activity for a period of 1 to 2 weeks following a breast lift procedure. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider for guidance on when it is safe to resume your daily activities, such as hair washing, showering, or bathing.

The insertion of drainage tubes in the vicinity of your incisions is a common practice, and they are generally taken out within a few days. Upon removal of the tubes by your healthcare practitioner, it is likely that your bandages will also be changed or removed.

Discuss with your healthcare provider the timeline for removing your stitches, if necessary. Certain stitches may dissolve without intervention, while others may need to be removed by your provider approximately 1 to 2 weeks following the procedure.

It is important to continue wearing the surgical support bra at all times for 3 to 4 days. After that, a gentle support bra should be worn for 3 to 4 weeks. Your medical provider may recommend the use of silicone tape or gel on your incisions to aid in the healing process.

During the healing process, it is important to avoid exposing your breasts to the sun. Once healed, it is crucial to shield your incisions from sun exposure.


Immediately after surgery, you will observe a difference in the way your breasts look. Their contour will gradually transform and stabilize during the following months.

At first, scars may have a red and raised appearance. Although they are considered permanent, they will gradually become less noticeable and thinner over a period of 1 to 2 years. Usually, the scars resulting from a breast lift can be concealed by undergarments and swimwear.

It is possible that you may observe a decrease in your bra size following a breast lift, even if a breast reduction was not performed alongside the procedure. This change is due to the firmness and roundness of your breasts.

The effects of a breast lift may not last indefinitely. As one ages, the skin loses its elasticity. This could lead to some drooping, particularly for those with larger, heavier breasts. Maintaining a consistent and healthy weight can aid in preserving the desired outcome.

To schedule an appointment, please visit Dania Medicare Solutions.

Breast lift surgery cost in India are as follow

Treatment Cost Starts From ($) Hospital Stay
Breast lift surgery 1200-1500 1-2 Days
Rhytidoplasty Surgery 1500-2000 1-2 Days
Face lift surgery 2500-3000 1 Day
Thigh Lift surgery 1000 3-4 Days
Breast Augmentation 2500-3000 1 Day
Mentoplasty Treatment 1200-1800 1 Day
Liposuction Surgery 800-1200 1 Day

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