Face Lift Surgery

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Face Lift Surgery

The procedure known as face lift, also referred to as rhytidectomy, is a comprehensive solution for addressing wrinkles and sagging skin on the face caused by aging. This type of cosmetic surgery, offered by Apollo Cosmetic Clinics, aims to restore a more youthful appearance to the face.

Understanding Face Lift Surgery

The face lift surgery is a way to tighten the skin and reposition the muscles, skin, and fat. By eliminating any extra skin on the face, it creates a more youthful appearance. In some cases, other procedures may be required for optimal results. Check out the prices and variations of face lift surgery.

Getting Ready for the Procedure

The medical history of a patient will be reviewed by the face lift surgeon to determine their current health status. The surgeon will also assess the condition of the facial skin, noting any scars, irregularities, or other specific characteristics. In order to create a medical record, the surgeon may also take a photograph of the patient’s face. If necessary, the patient may be required to undergo certain tests. Prior to the face lift surgery, the patient should avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and other medications that may increase bleeding. Additionally, the patient will be instructed to fast the day before the surgery. It is advisable to arrange for assistance on the day of the surgery and during the recovery period.

Procedure Steps

To begin the procedure, the patient is given either general anesthesia or a sedative through an intravenous line, as well as local anesthesia to numb the skin. The surgeon then makes an incision that begins in the temple area and curves around the front of the ear, lifting the skin and tightening the underlying muscle and tissue. If needed, fat and skin may be removed. The skin is then repositioned over the face and the incision is closed with sutures. This incision is typically hidden along the hairline or in a natural crease of the skin. In some cases, a limited-incision face lift may be performed using shorter incisions near the temple and ear. Alternatively, an incision may be made under the upper lip or within the lower eyelid. A neck lift can also be performed to tighten sagging jowls and loose skin under the chin, with an incision starting in front of the earlobe and extending behind the ear to the lower scalp.

The bandages are then used to cover the face.

Steps to Recover

Typically, the dressings are taken off within 1 to 2 days. In cases where a drainage tube is inserted (typically located behind the ear), it will also be taken out within 1 to 2 days following the operation. Your stitches will be removed by your physician within 5 to 10 days.

Your physician might recommend medications to relieve post-surgery discomfort. Anticipate experiencing facial swelling and bruising. Applying cold compresses can provide relief for these symptoms. It is important to keep your head elevated and avoid excessive movement.

In order to ensure a successful surgery and minimize risks, it is crucial to abstain from smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke for a period of 2 to 4 weeks before and after the procedure. The consumption of tobacco products can increase the chances of skin and tissue damage, leading to delayed healing and more severe scarring. Most individuals can resume their regular activities within 2 to 3 weeks after undergoing a face lift. Initially, stiffness and unfamiliar sensations may be experienced in the face, but this is a normal part of the recovery process. Numbness in the skin may persist for several months following the surgery, while dryness and roughness of the skin may also be present for a few months. It is important to follow up with the doctor multiple times until a complete recovery is achieved. Maintaining a healthy diet, lifestyle, and positive mindset can contribute to a more youthful appearance.

Face lift surgery cost in India are as follow

Treatment Cost Starts From ($) Hospital Stay
Face lift surgery 2500-3000 1 Day
Rhytidoplasty Surgery 1500-2000 1-2 Days
Breast lift surgery 1200-1500 1-2 Days
Thigh Lift surgery 1000 3-4 Days
Breast Augmentation 2500-3000 1 Day
Mentoplasty Treatment 1200-1800 1 Day
Liposuction Surgery 800-1200 1 Day

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